自修課程 SL Courses

110-1 Cities, Cultures and Peoples

教師 / 線上英語自學中心


[高級]本課選取和世界文化與都市相關之影帶(部份為中文),以呈現城市、世界文化與人們的多樣性。部份教材為英文系學生在「後現代都市︰多倫多與台北」(http://www.eng.fju.edu.tw/iacd_2004S/pm_city/index.html) 課程所作的Free Journal,在此向這些學生致謝!等我有時間,將一一把作者名字補齊。
Kate Liu

Cities, Cultures and Peoples--
Don't we say English offers us a window to the world? Learning English, indeed, is not just learning the language, but also the cultures that get expressed, described and, most importantly, 'lived' in this language.
As a course for automatic learning, this course tries to interest you with a variety of city cultures all over the world, with a focus on its urbanism (e.g. architecture), its foods and people. You will also be drawn into deeper thinking with issues of race, gender and urban/capitalist developments.
We will get concrete examples of these cities with the help of a variety of documentaries.
So--let's use our imagination to travel to different places in the world, learning English along the way!!!