自修課程 SL Courses

112-1 English for Fun

教師 / 線上英語自學中心


Don't we say that 'learning English can be fun'? Like any language we want to use in daily life, English should be colorful with its sounds (in songs, rimes, speeches and in poems) and senses (humorous, emotional, profound, intriguing ideas and stories). Learning English is not just learning the language, but also the cultures that get expressed, described and, most importantly, 'lived' in this language.

As a course for automatic learning, this course tries to interest you with fun texts, ranging from animations, songs, to adaptations of fairy tales. Some of the texts are for children, but most are for both children and adults.

So--let's use our lively imagination to travel in the colorful worlds of English, learning the language along the way!!!