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1062 線上英語自學中心 主要改進項目說明

Dear All,


Greetings to all! 


開學到現在,已經陸續有許多同學開始自學英語囉!😄 小編覺得超開心~ 💓


I. 網站與Liveabc改進項目 Improvements on EngNet and Liveabc


 I-1. 學生介面新增查詢EngNet活動紀錄功能 Student Interface on EngNet: Activity records 

Students can click "EngNet學習紀錄" to check their submitted works and feedback from teachers, including their SL notes, attendance on Cloud Chatroom, responses from Writing Room, etc.
說明影片 Introduction Videos


 I-2. 新增“有關英語自學” New Page (1): All About SL 
(1) 學生可選擇想要查詢之類別,進階搜尋想要參加的自學活動
Students can choose among different themes or levels to search for relevant SL activities: Click and Show

說明影片 Introduction Videos


I-2 新增 (2):“點數登錄流程圖” New Pages (2): SLP Registration Chart
登錄流程分類並圖像化,讓同學一目了然。SLP registration categorized and the procedure visualized for students to comprehend easily.
說明影片 Introduction Videos


I-2. 新增 (3):常見問題集 New Pages: SLC Q&A
學生可在此頁面找到常見問題之解答。 Students can find the answers to frequently asked questions.
說明影片 Introduction Videos


 I-3. 改善:自學點數匯入表 Improvements on design of SL points file
加入圖像化顯示,更加一目了然。The SL points chart resigned to make it clearer and more pleasant to read.
- 新檔 Updated SLP file- clearer and with hypertext content table.


 I-4. Liveabc 認證方式改進

(1) 學生須於測驗後一個月內認證點數。
Registration has to be done within one month after completion of a task.

(2) 全校同時開放現場與線上認證(線上認證須填寫word檔案,寄信認證。)
ALL students can register points either online or on site.
> 加速回信與點數匯入流程、增開認證地點與時段、現場認證嚴格採預約制。
說明影片 Introduction Videos


II. 影音競賽評分 E-Project Evaluation

Based on some General English teachers' advice, we will divide E-project works based on students' year levels (with general English courses as major criterion), but not the 2 themes of the videos. Therefore, there will be 2 groups: “Freshman” Group, “Sophomore and Above” Group.

If students do not have any English courses, then their assignment will be based on the year-level of the majority of the group members.


That's all the main improvements we made. Thank you for your careful reading!

We sincerely hope that these improvements will motivate students to conduct self-learning, and furthermore, they will continue a lifelong learning!


輔仁大學 線上英語自學中心(SLC)/AIEDL中高級英語數位課程
專任助理: 蘇子芸 Iris Su
Tel: 2905-2164
外語學院 LC206
Email: ceweb.admin@gmail.com

相關網址:SLC_1062 主要改進項目說明