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[自學課程] 40點自學課程 說明會 40P Credit Course Orientation



(1) 英文文法與段落寫作:林政憲 Emile老師
(2) 多益與新聞英語聽讀:李靜怡 Jenny 老師




祝大家學習愉快 💕



Starting from this semester, you can waive credits with taking a Self-Learning course!
However, not all the courses or all the points can be counted into English learning credits. Only by taking only one of the following two Self-Learning Courses finishing all the points required there, can you earn your Genearl English (sophomore English) credit points. If you'd like to know more, please sign up for our orientation and note the following things:👇

This Semester, we have two 40-point courses🌟
(1) Autonomous Learning: English Grammar and Paragraph Writing: teacher Emile
(2) Autonomous Learning: TOEIC & News English Listening and Reading: teacher Jenny 

Firstly, what exactly is a 40-P self-learning course
Each of 40-P Self-learning course is worth 2 credits (of sophomore foreign languages), as long as students fulfill all the course requirements. These courses allow students to arrange their time more flexibly, enhance their self-discipline, and foster the abilities and interest in making a plan for his/her English learning, carrying out the plan and reviewing and assessing one's learning progress. Nevertheless, "autonomous learning" does not mean that students learn on their own without any teachers' guidance. Instead, a teacher’s role in autonomous learning is rather that of facilitator, providing sufficient learning resourses and guidance when needed. On the other hand, students need to set a learning plan to make good use of the resources, and become an active leader and learner in their learning💪.

Each SL credit course includes different themes, materials and homework. Students need to participate in a complete 40-P credit course, finish the assignments and tests before deadline to get the 40 points from this course. Then, they can apply to waive the 2 credits.

Secondly, how do you sign up for the course
Step 1, come to the 40-P credit course orientation (please see the link below). Step 2, if you really can't make it to the orientation, please do our Google survey, and go to the course website to click “個別申請” (we also provide a tutorial of how to take this course on the course webpage).
Lastly, after teacher confirmed your application, you can start to take the 40-P credit course! ☺️

For more details about the courses, please come to our orientation!
Enjoy learning 💕

Important links: 

相關網址:40點自學課程 說明會報名網址 40P Credit Course Orientation