社會與文化 Culture&Society

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Title Genre Word Count Level Visitor
Amazon ignites culture clash over France’s beloved bookstores Article 1067 80
The Oscars' Renaissance of Political Activism Article 837 13
The Murky Gay Politics Surrounding the 'Stay Weird' Oscars Speech Article 861 9
How social media is disrupting the courts Article 899 18
Night Walker Article 1059 91
In Scotland and Beyond, a Crisis of Faith in the Global Elite Article 1166 38
A Kingdom Still Whole, but Far From United Article 1288 121
2 Star-Crossed Afghans Cling to Love, Even at Risk of Death Article 1973 45
Mercy and Social Media Slow the Noose in Iran Article 1190 18
Maestros Confront Coughing Article 499 9
Bullies' Prey: The Tender and the Tough Article 546 49
Lawmakers, Credit Card Companies Take Aim at Mug Shot Websites Article 1029 23
Different Ways to Speak Article 520 102
Skeletons Get Ticket Home Article 960 29
Should Filial Piety Be a Gauge or Test for Official Promotion? Article 1772 12
Personal Eco-Concierges Ease Transition to Green Article 1081 11
Status anxiety via status updates Article 537 12
A Generation Vanity, Heard Through Lyrics Article 1324 49
Supply, Demand and Marriage Article 1030 51
Fat Stigma Is Now a Global Epidemic Article 931 18
When Sex and Success Don't Mix Article 813 46
Toronto couple defend move to keep baby's sex secret Article 2137 9
For Chinese Women, a Basic Need, and Few Places to Attend to It Article 946 25
More Men Enter Fields Dominated by Women Article 1528 53
Define Gender Gap? Look Up Wikipedia’s Contributor List Article 1190 21
Juvenile Killers in Jail for Life Seek a Reprieve Article 1315 58
Toronto couple defend move to keep baby's sex secret Article 2137 28
Gender affects how Internet is used: survey Article 245 75
"My Most Attractive Adversary" Article 657 207
Define Gender Gap? Look Up Wikipedia’s Contributor List Article 1425 26
Bimbos and Rambos: The Cognitive Basis of Gender Stereotypes Article 1597 49
A Sexist Pig Myth Article 934 100
Assisted Suicide Article 794 168
Food Taboos: It's All a Matter Of Taste Article 954 152
Assessing the world's food taboos Article 407 97
Food taboos: Their origins and purposes Article 342 115
Graffiti study bolsters ‘broken windows’ theory Article 702 43
Anti-graffiti program nets 15 arrests Article 282 50
Taking boy to court in graffiti case proves costly Article 720 32
Has it come to jail time to wipe out graffiti? Article 785 41
To fight graffiti, L.A. Council may restrict spraypaint sales Article 443 25
Frequently Asked Questions (about Table Manners) Article 925 39
How to Handle Tricky Foods Article 815 85
Basic Table Manners Article 686 178
Grown Men Don't Cry Lyrics 307 28
Men don't cry, women don't fume Article 279 78
Men are not too macho to cry Article 670 27
Should We Live Together? Article 572 58
Should We Live Together? What Young Adults Need to Know about Cohabitation before Marriage Article 9414 190
The Problem With Cohabitation Article 744 51
Live-in relationship Vs. Marriage Article 966 120
How Often Are Firearms Used in Self-Defense? Article 742 33
Guns Effective Defense Against Rape Article 3051 46
Is a Gun an Effective Means of Self-Defense? Article 1186 84
Scream Lyrics 394 18
Active and Passive Euthanasia Article 2995 190
passive euthanasia Article 188 42
Terri Schiavo Article 270 21
MATTERS OF LIFE AND DEATH (Study: Abortion increases suicide risk) Article 590 29
A Right to Die? Article 629 245
Euthanasia - Whose Final Choice? Article 633 40
A Moral Case for Voluntary Euthanasia Article 561 171
Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide Article 391 51
The Australian Family Association Article 3516 55
The right to die Article 1380 130
The Wage Gap Article 286 42
Arguments against Euthanasia Article 645 111
Women work better with others, men deal better with stress Article 597 122
Euthanasia Article 974 113
What's Wrong With Making Assisting Suicide Legal? Article 1256 55
Taiwan moms swamped with maternal blues Article 464 33
Human rights lawyer wants sexual equality Article 448 48
Sexism in South Africa Article 535 41
Views on Enthanasia Article 238 27
Euthanasia and Society Article 964 79
Do You Have a Right to Die? Article 791 105
Howard Dean Flip-Flops on Assisted Suicide, But Still Supports It Article 504 19
Right to die Article 1456 128
Woman And Social Class Article 2383 680
Woman MPs complain of sex pressure Article 576 21
Second country in the world to adopt a law allowing euthanasia Article 36 29
France's National Assembly overwhelming adopted legislation November 30 legalizing passive euthanasia Article 111 29
Women in the Workplace-Their Contribution Article 1389 76
European human rights body speaks against euthanasia Article 321 36
RIGHT TO DIE: Overview Article 1452 44
The politics of advertising Article 782 38
Reservation About Gay Marriage Article 2475 105
Homosexuality Article 6433 254
Reading Sex in the Eighteenth Century: Bodies and Gender in English Erotic Culture Article 2652 68
Eminem impersonator faces life sentence Article 682 66
Public Responses to a Privacy Opinion Survey Article 531 9
A Day in the Life; Or, How to Help Build your Super File Article 856 98
The Media and the Princess Article 1424 28
Privacy: What's the Issue? Article 198 56
Column: 'Brokeback Mountain' offers fresh look at love Article 482 25
Teenage Marriage: What's the Rush? Article 351 69
The Media and the Uneducated Masses Article 890 18
We All Have the Right To Life! Article 630 53
Free Thought, Free Speech Article 1443 114
Gun Control Is Needed Article 1423 45
Dangers of Censorship Article 823 77
Banning Books Article 2080 221
We Need Censorship Article 1910 106
Prostitution and Legislation Article 1249 64
The Child Care Debate Article 878 75
Exploitation in Child Beauty Pageants Article 914 46
Gun Violence and Gun Control Article 2722 21
Bicycle Helmets Mandatory? Article 686 65
Abortion vs. Adoption Article 682 868
Why be Moral? Article 1796 165
Abortion is Wrong Article 971 434
Defend Your Choice Article 386 123
What's Wrong With Involuntary Euthanasia? Article 1225 64
Dutch law stokes death debate Article 830 26
Euthanasia: Some similarities to the abortion debate: Article 734 53
Involuntary Euthanasia is Out of Control in Holland Article 367 25
Darwin's Law Must Go Article 712 22
Euthanasia: Murder or Compassion? Article 589 109
British Health Service Doctors Accused of Involuntary Euthanasia Article 1021 74
Women's Magazines Send Us a Strange, Confusing Message Article 727 78
Are you for RU-486? Article 589 96
Task Force Turns the Key for Women in Medicine Article 464 16
Making Difference Article 859 100
Men's Health - Relationships & Communication: Men and women communicate differently Article 325 37
Is Smiling a Girl Thing? Article 582 43
Revision of regulation on cohabitation sparks debate Article 573 15
3 Reasons Why Researchers Say: Living Together Before Marriage is Risky Article 503 336
Prenatal aid fuels debate on abortion: U.S. to expand health care for poor pregnant women Article 722 23
Scapegoating RU-486 Diminishes the Abortion Debate Article 262 55
The learnt response of suicide Article 332 52
California Strawberry Festival Article 199 130
The Seven Wonders of the World Article 242 91
Row erupts over draft changes to abortion law Article 612 16
Let's Get Hitced Article 220 31
corporal punishment Article 739 60
Mercy Killing Article 2053 133
April Fools’ Day Article 341 237
abortion legalized Article 854 129
Helping young people delay sexual intercourse Article 493 65
Should teenagers who are under 18 have sex? Article 780 138
Abortion Laws in the United States Article 485 64
Abortion Article 2583 278
Evil in Our Time Article 3125 170
What About Abortion? Article 960 111
Right To Decide: To Live Or To Die Article 1438 163
Abortion Complications Article 874 94
Abortion Article 633 344
Car Culture Article 667 188
Crime and Punishment Article 646 175
Body Language Article 427 278
Urban Legends Article 347 40
Say it With Flowers Article 328 347
Gift-Giving Etiquette Article 620 145
Interview Techniques Article 657 491
Imagine Lyrics 105 63
Don't Cry for Me Argentina Lyrics 258 66
Hampton Court Palace Flower Show Article 352 21
Mafia Word Origins Article 1339 62
A Brief History of the Mafia Article 651 276
The Mafia- in The Beggining Article 628 62
the carnivale in venice Article 629 49
The Story of the Chinese Valentine's Day Story 628 146
Brazil - Carnaval Article 231 161
Carnival Article 374 158
Carnival in Brazil Article 265 110
WHAT IS CARNIVAL? Article 267 79
BRAZIL: Carnival in the Northeast Article 886 132
How Many Kisses? Article 206 168
I, Too Poem 62 36
The history of Christmas Article 745 201
History and Customs of Halloween Article 814 175
Halloween Traditions Article 214 63
Food Culture and History in India Article 1209 273
It's Another New Year... ...but for what reason? Article 1063 120
The Real Saint Rick---Saint Nicholas is more than a children's Christmas legend. He was a real man, not the Santa Claus we know today Article 265 27
Death and Justice Article 2145 675
Does America Still Exist? Article 1458 200
The Prisoner's Dilemma Article 3171 173
A Hanging Article 1932 379
The Chimney Sweeper from Songs of Experience Poem 97 26
The Chimney Sweeper from Songs of Innocence Poem 234 22
A Good Man Is Hard to Find Story 6427 664
Why the Speech Will Live in Infamy Article 1033 42
Will It Be Coffee, Tea or He? Article 856 319
The Lottery Story 3385 472
Gloom, Gloom, Go Away Article 839 168
Perspectives on Suicide Article 566 46
Don't Say 'Let's Get Together' to a Foreigner Article 516 101
The Unknown Citizen Poem 300 60
Harlem Poem 51 110
What About Our Values? Article 841 160
To Control Drugs, Legalize Article 645 32
The Power of One Article 743 161
The Holland Model Article 920 171
The Eggs Article 723 114
The American Psycho Case Article 652 87
Starbucks Article 235 112
More on When to Die Article 812 144
Merrily We Role Along Article 697 34
Killing for "Mother" Kali Article 839 142
Internet Bidding Article 408 97
Have All the Heroes Died? Article 893 214
For the Sake of Names Article 429 65
Dr. Death Article 483 264
Different Humor Article 429 511
Desire for a Child Was Nearly Tragic Article 1009 64
Argue, Don't Amend Article 721 242
The Creator Story 957 170
Food and Culture Article 823 912
World's TV Watchers Favor Assorted Munchies Article 605 88
‘Yooups’Learned Bitter Discrimination Lesson Article 342 143
Touching Article 1569 247
Those Wasteful Americans! Article 152 67
The Struggle to Be an All-American Girl Article 722 175
The Pressure of Being a Teenager in Japan Article 387 274
The Gift Of Life or Else Article 508 74
The Best Places in the U.S. Article 743 124
The Bean Cake and the Broom Article 1944 63
Remote Control Article 700 142
No Trespassing in My Personal Space Article 277 34
Murder, He Sculpted Article 1521 156
Legal Lightning Article 1314 137
Kissing Your Way around the World Article 710 348
Just Trying to Be Cool Article 666 115
Jeans Manufacturers Are Singing the Blues Article 201 22
It Can Happen Only in America Article 277 63
How Honest Are We? Article 2924 271
Honesty May Not Be the Best Policy Article 581 374
Guns Ain't Roses Article 584 191
Finding a Spouse Article 898 333
Eyewitnesses: Essential But Unreliable Article 807 94
Donors Cash In On Organ Bazaar Article 902 19
Culture Article 769 668
Crime Does Not Pay Article 448 225
Counting on Ourselves Article 1184 1255
Child's Play Article 776 235
Asia's Worst Driver Article 2337 329
American Clothing and American Culture Article 356 1096
Arrest of Black Lecturer Heightens Distrust Story 259 59
Anti-Fur Groups Renew Fur Debate Article 291 54
All Manner of Manners Article 776 496
A License to Kill Article 1517 690
A Fable for Tomorrow Article 657 756
A Dog-Eat-Dog Society Article 682 1341