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Teachers' Selections / 自然科技  Nature&Science / Science and Technology/Inventions

: Basic     : Intermediate     : High-intermediate     : Advanced
Title Genre Word Count Level Visitor
Wearable devices: tracking your every step may not make you happier Article 820 27
Every Olympian Is Kind of a Cyborg Article 1070 12
The Future of Shopping in Three Trends Article 984 35
Banks Look to Cellphones to Replace A.T.M. Cards Article 1209 8
Augmented Reality – Next Frontier for Competitive Avantage Article 1063 77
The future will eat itself: digesting the next generation of wearable tech Article 959 17
He’s Glad You Asked Article 1290 195
Is the dot-tv boom next?” Article 538 21
Liar, Liar? Easier Said Than Seen Article 1173 31
Spreadsheets and Global Mayhem Article 1009 18
Google Uses Its Social Network to Get Nosy Article 487 8
To Study Aggression, a Fight Club for Flies Article 992 9
All about My Thought: Movie Date Night Can Act as Therapy Article 591 16
Out of Print, Maybe, but Not Out of Mind Article 1345 25
With Online Photos, a New Sense of Self Article 527 25
Drones' Uses Raise Nw Privacy Issues Article 734 23
Facebook, Still Dominant, Strives to Keep Cachet Article 1096 29
A Night Watchman With Wheels? Article 937 18
In a Mood? Call Center Agents Can Tell Article 1238 9
Hot App in Asia Is Looking to Grow Article 631 51
For Better Social Skills, Scientists Recommend a Little Chekhov Article 1194 27
Death, and Then a Baby. What about the Estate? Article 633 18
Sad Music and Circles Article 543 18
From Myspace's Ashes, Silicon Start-Ups Rise Article 1821 6
Erasing Bad Memories And Adding New Ones Article 572 113
No Time for Words Article 658 56
Witnesses’ Recordings Help Explain Air Accidents Article 811 5
With an App, Your Next Date Could Be Just Around the Corner Article 1119 18
Who’s the Boss, You or Your Gadget? Article 2083 8
Where Have All the Neurotics Gone? Article 1384 10
Where Apps Meet Work, Secret Data Is at Risk Article 991 6
When Your Therapist Is Only a Click Away Article 1623 10
When the facts interfere with a good story Article 506 14
Use of Machines to Grade Essays Stirs Debate Article 755 11
Truth telling in the digital age Article 575 10
The Bionic Bond of Man and Machine Article 578 8
Switch to Flat Screens Leaves a Toxic Trail Article 564 45
Reinventing Post Offices in a Digital World Article 1100 13
Thank You for Sharing. But Why at the Office? Article 730 12
Old Ways Feed New Sociability Article 575 12
Nature's joystick may be the brain Article 762 5
Keeping an Eye on Online Test-Takers Article 924 15
Writer’s Cramp: In the E-Reader Era, a Book a Year Is Slacking Article 1150 8
I Took a Web Detour, and Now I Feel Better Article 1000 9
Hackers Attack Those Seen as WikiLeaks Enemies Article 1037 6
Google Wants to Join the Party, Not Crash It Article 1077 7
Giving Disgrace a Public Face Article 564 11
For Kids, E-Book Fans Insist on Real Pages Article 505 8
Finding privacy on the tell-all Web Article 464 8
Facebook Users Who Are Under Age Raise Concerns Article 1258 15
Armies of Expensive Lawyers, Replaced by Cheaper Software Article 1603 24
Don’t Touch That Remote: TV Pilots Turn to Net, Not Networks Article 1107 26
Craving Face Time Article 582 24
Covering Your Tracks for Internet Privacy Article 701 18
Computers That See You and Keep Watch Over You Article 2537 12
But How Do You Really Feel? Someday the Computer May Know Article 1098 11
Clothes are made to multitask for a busier, pricier world Article 477 8
Book Lovers Fear Dim Future for Notes in the Margins Article 952 5
A Virtual Pack, to Study Canine Minds Article 1120 27
A Silicon Valley School That Doesn’t Compute Article 1573 19
The Cloud That Ate Your Music Article 1697 118
The Boss Is Robotic, and Rolling Up Behind You Article 2221 9
Book Lovers Fear Dim Future for Notes in the Margins Article 1604 13
Students, Meet Your New Teacher, Mr. Robot Article 2540 9
My (Brief) Life as a Robot Article 706 12
When There’s No Such Thing as Too Much Information Article 963 25
Hackers Attack Those Seen as WikiLeaks Enemies Article 1037 11
Computers That See You and Keep Watch Over You Article 2537 39
Ugly Toll of Technology: Impatience and Forgetfulness Article 1342 67
Who's Your Daddy? Article 2087 126
One Idea Article 2033 88
YouTube's Next Venture: Movie Rentals Article 554 52
Keeping Pirates at Bay Article 1037 13
Internet Pirates Face Walking the Plank in Sweden Article 1653 25
Criminalising the consumer - Where digital rights went wrong Article 958 16
Singing a different tune: The battle against online music piracy is turning. A return to growth will take a good deal longer Article 1045 9
Librarians Fighting Google's Book Deal Article 1396 19
The pros and cons of open source software Article 756 20
Cloning Article 472 54
The Growing of Green Cars Article 538 26
The Benefits of Animal Cloning Article 1989 35
Cyberpornography Article 1038 64
Pornography on the Internet Article 582 19
Censorship of the Internet Article 783 112
Cloning and Family Values Article 307 62
What's Wrong With Copy Protection Article 3440 66
Response to "MS in Peruvian Open-source Nightmare" Article 5841 43
Photographic Truth in the Digital Era Article 1190 31
Digital Truth Article 619 41
Between test tubes and crosses: the debate over cloning Article 877 33
A War of Words in Bioethics Article 939 48
Couples Clamour to Clone Their Kids Article 486 14
Wading through the muddle of the cloning debate Article 978 11
Clone or Con? Article 695 40
Forget Blogs, Print Needs Its Own IPod Article 1120 10
The High Price of Gasoline Sends Shoppers to the Web Article 1016 7
A Necessity of Life Article 205 237
Wizards & Witches Article 765 93
Watching the brain at work Article 2205 88
Smell the future Article 318 100
To Clone Or Not to Clone Article 794 293
Watch Your Tracks Article 604 94
You've Got V-Mail! Article 577 116
Potatoes No More! Article 1299 222
Nanotechnology Article 478 31
Internet World-Wide Radio Article 350 50
Forensic Science Article 331 54
Flights of Fantasy Article 1584 394
Driving by Wire Article 514 52
Beeping Back Article 571 87
The Games of the Sensory Article 216 24
Staying Afloat Article 1391 24
Single CPU in Dual Operation Article 770 57
Parking Problems: Shrink to Fit? Article 239 16
Maid to Order Article 973 86
In Your Face, Technology Article 119 125
In Search of ETs1 Article 513 52
Custom-Made Clones Article 168 45
Cloning: Duplicating Human Beings Article 367 101
Beyond Megapixels Article 560 52
A Martian Sends a Postcard Home Poem 255 85
Is There Any Future in Futurism? Article 605 102
The Sound and the Fury Article 259 179
Star Light, Star Bright Article 919 151
Searching the Web Article 356 36
What’s in it for You? Article 1552 66
Welcome to cyberspace Article 1257 62
We can't live without Inventions Article 294 50
They Create Video Fun Article 1429 27
The Internet Article 436 70
Thanks for the Memories Article 665 236
Smells Sell! Article 1029 143
Net Addicts Lead Sad Virtual Lives Article 237 18
Lost in the E-mail Article 1225 241
High-Tech Noses 2 Article 273 23
Hi-Tech Noses Article 158 26
Going Home to Work Article 1113 312
Fasten Your Seatbelts Article 717 177
Dollars and Scents: Business Puts Aromas to Work Article 775 39
Check Out the Cars of 2010 Article 849 84
Can You Imagine a World without It? Article 294 195
Body Clocks: The Present Article 527 261