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Intermediate Conversation 3: The Last Resort 最後一招


進階會話內容原文                                                          Listen!

A: Sir, do you have a ticket for Flight #30?

B: Yes, I do, and I must be in San Francisco this afternoon. I have a very important business meeting to go to.

A: Let's see what I can do for you. What time do you need to be in San Francisco?

B: My meeting starts at 3:00 P.M. sharp, so my flight has to arrive by 2:00 P.M. This is terrible! How can you cancel a flight at the last minute?

A: I'm sorry, sir. There's a snowstorm in Denver and the airport is closed there. All flights to that area have been cancelled. We're doing the best we can under the circumstances.

B: I understand that, but people are counting on me to be at this meeting.

A: I found a seat on our Flight #2, but you'll be stopping in San Diego and Los Angeles. It does arrive in San Francisco at 1:00 P.M. It's all I have right now. Would you like to take that?

B: Well, I guess as a last resort I'll take it. I have to get there no matter what.




A: Sir, do-you have-a ticket for Flight #30?

B: Yes,-I-do, and-I must be in San Francisgo this-afternoon. I have-ə very important business meeting to go to.

A: Let's-see what-I cən do for you. What time do you need-to-be in San Francisgo?

B: My meeting starts-at 3:00 P.M. sharp, so my flight has to arrive by 2:00 P.M.

  This-is terruhble! How-can-you cancel-ə flight at the last minute?

A: I'm sorry, sir. Therezə snowstorm in Denver and the airport is closed there.

  All flights to-that-area have been cancelled.

  We're doing the best we can under the circumstances.

B: I understand that, but people-are counting-on me to be-at this meeting.

A: I found-a seat-on our Flight #2, but you'll be stopping in San Diego and Los Angeles.

   It does-arrive in San Francisco at 1:00 P.M.

   It's-all I have right now. Would you like to take-that?

B: Well, I guess-as-a last resort I'll take it. I have-to get there no matter what.

For the original text, please see p. 110, Lesson 11, Getting the Picture: Everyday Listening/Speaking with Idioms, by Nancy Herzfeld-Pipkin, published by Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 1992.